Wednesday, July 27, 2011

INDIA TRIP PART 1: Chennai First Impressions – July 22-25, 2011

This is our first time officially blogging as a family, so we are going to try and update this blog with a bunch of posts on our experiences…

We’re on an exciting trip to India and have had a great few days in Chennai… We’ve all been taken aback from the crazy traffic, the life on the streets, and the way old ladies can carry anything on their head and make their way through town.

Fortunately, we’ve been able to stay and be pampered by family in Chennai.  Cherian’s uncle, Sonny Chayan and Cherian’s dad picked us up at the airport at 4 in the morning where the first words that came out of Kiran’s mouth when exiting the airport were “It smells terrible”…  After a nap and a breakfast of iddli, we took a walk with Cherian’s parents around the neighborhood where tired, jet-lagged Selina expressed her desire to go back home to …

We braved the crowded streets of Chennai and went shopping so that Sofie could find a salwar kameez (traditional female clothing), passing street markets with beggars and aggressive hawkers of junk (including a 4 year old boy).  Sofie and Kiran got to take a ride with Cherian’s aunt, Kochery Kochama in an auto-rickshaw while Cherian and his mom bought sapota and mangosteen fruits…

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