Tuesday, August 2, 2011

INDIA TRIP PART 4: Meet the family! - July 2011

Yes, this trip is a first for our little family to meet our extended family.  We hope we get to learn a bit about our Indian roots, and how we are a part of a huge network… In fact, it is amazing to see the network in action.  We can visit our aunts, and they know more people than we can possibly put together on Facebook or LinkedIn, and can speak to how each person is related to each other.  In fact it has been quite amusing to hear things like: “my grandson’s wife’s sister-in-law is married to your mother’s second cousin’s daughter who lives in Newfoundland…”…  And when Cherian’s grandfather had 6 sisters and 2 brothers, and Cherian’s grandmother had 3 brothers and 4 sisters, Cherian’s second cousin network becomes quite large… So bear with us while we list out who we’ve visited so far…

NOTE: Kochama = Aunt; Chayan = Uncle; Amma = Cherian's Mom; GP = Cherian's Dad

Kochery Kochama
Cherian’s aunt, Kochery Kochama, is not only my dad’s brother’s wife, but is also my mother’s first cousin.  At an age of 70 something, she can still muscle her car through the streets of Chennai, laying down the horn to make the others move out of her way.

Captain Joe Chayan, Molly Kochama,...
We got to meet Cherian’s mother’s cousin and husband, Molly Kochama and Captain Joe Chayan, who are keeping extremely well for their ages of 85 and 90 respectively.

Leela Kochama, Jimmy Chayan, GP 
Cherian’s uncle from Kansas, Jimmy Chayan was fortunately visiting in Chennai and we’ll see him again on this trip… It was great to see Cherian’s Dad, his older sister, Leela Kochama, and his younger brother Jimmy Chayan, laugh late into the night playing their favorite childhood card game and talking trash to each other...

Cherian, Dhilip, Prasad
Cherian’s first cousin Prasad came to Chennai to visit, and we got to see Cherian’s other first cousin, Dhilip and his parents Leela Kochama and Valli Chayan, who have recently built an impressive 4-story apartment complex.

On a random drive through Vellore with Prasad and his wife Jiji, we stopped by Cherian’s second cousin, Meera's house who was a teacher for Prasad and Jiji's son.
Sofie, Meera, Amma, Cherian

In Kerala, we are staying at Cherian’s grandmother’s old, historic house built in 1925 by Cherian’s great grandfather (and as fictionally illustrated in the book, the God of Small Things, written by Cherian’s second cousin).  

Wiji Papa
Cherian’s uncle from New Jersey, Wiji Papa, now owns the house, and is fortunately visiting at the same time allowing us to stay in the same house that Cherian used to visit during his past 6 visits to India. 

Mohan Papa
In front of this old, historic house lives Cherian’s uncle, Mohan Papa and Susie Kochama.  Their son, Reju and wife, Amy, are also visiting with their 2 boys Matthew, 11 yrs and Josiah, 6 yrs from Dubai. Our boys and these 2 guys figured out how to play cricket together, and now our boys want to take any chance they can get to walk down to their house to play. 

Amy and Josiah
We even went to visit Cherian’s grandmother’s grave and had 3 generations visiting 3 deceased generations dating back to 1820.

Amma and Becky Kochama
And we visited Cherian’s grandmother’s sister, Becky Kochama, who at the age of 92 is keeping extremely healthy and says that she feels like she is only a little over 80.  

Lulu Kochama, Reba, Sofie
Four generations live at her house including her son (Babu Chayan), daughter-in-law (Lulu Kochama), grand-daughter (Reba, who has been a great help!!) and great-grandsons (Jake, 10 yrs and Bevan, 14 yrs who have played extensively with our kids) live in her river-front house near Cherian’s grandmother’s house…

Sofie and George Isaac
At a party that Wiji Papa held, we got to meet a LOT more relatives, including George Isaac, Cherian’s mother’s cousin who has 3 sons in Sweden, a daughter in London, and a son in Dubai.  He is extremely friendly, and spent a good amount of time giving his perspective of many topics (memories of Sweden, difference of Kerala vs. rest of India, investments in education and healthcare are the way to move India forward) to Sofie.

We’ve met a LOT more relatives and we’re going to see a lot more, but we’ll keep this blog short for now, and apologies to the relatives not featured in this blog…

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  1. Greetings from Cherian's cousin Mona Oommen in Chicago! Pradeep sent me the link to your blog and I must say that I'm really enjoying it! So good to see familiar faces - some that I haven't seen in many years. Love the blog entries about the food too! Looking forward to future posts!

  2. Ha, I really enjoyed this post. I am pretty sure there are days when I only feel "a little over 80" already! :)
